I've been up on Newgrounds for roughly a fortnite now, and I've got to say it's a nifty platform. I really dig the way the site is set up to encourage user interaction. I've previously hosted games on Kongregate and Itch.io but they're both lacking in their own ways, and Newgrounds has been my favorite site to host my projects on yet.
For anyone who doesn't know, I'm a gamedev who likes making fun and expressive webgames from time to time. I'm currently working in a field outside of software so I've been using these side projects to keep myself from going crazy, since I get a bit anxious when I go too long without programming something.
I've currently got a couple projects in the oven that I'll be launching here when they're ready. My Bitsy games were well received enough, something that I actually put effort into should hopefully be even more satisfying.